programs for children & Families
All of these events, throughout the year, are welcoming new and old volunteers! Please prayfully consider how you might be able to get involved!

For the children....
Spring Family Festival -May 18
10:00 am Family Friendly Worship Service
11:15 am Family Friendly food, games and fun in Fellowship Hall
Vacation Bible School -
July 28 - August 1 / 9:00 - 12:15 pm
Egypt - Jospeh's Journey from Prison to Palace
Fall Family Festival - 9/21
Saturday Bible School - 10/4
Saturday Bible School - 11/01
Children's Christmas Prog.- 12/20
Youth Activities....
Mission Trip - 6/22 - 6/28
TYC - 7/13 - 7/19
Questions - Call Mr. Ben at
412-721-1525 or email him at
For the children....
Spring Family Festival -May 18
10:00 am Family Friendly Worship Service
11:15 am Family Friendly food, games and fun in Fellowship Hall
Vacation Bible School -
July 28 - August 1 / 9:00 - 12:15 pm
Egypt - Jospeh's Journey from Prison to Palace
Fall Family Festival - 9/21
Saturday Bible School - 10/4
Saturday Bible School - 11/01
Children's Christmas Prog.- 12/20
Youth Activities....
Mission Trip - 6/22 - 6/28
TYC - 7/13 - 7/19
Questions - Call Mr. Ben at
412-721-1525 or email him at
registration for the easter egg hunt is now open - registrations are required to attend this event. please use the qr code in the flyer to register.
Last day to register is Wednesday, April 9.
Saturday Bible School Photos- March 2025
Kingdom Kids During Worship (September 15th to May 18th) Kingdom Kids meets every Sunday when there is not communion for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. Children are invited to remain in worship with their families through the Children's Time and exit the service with Ben Little, our Director of Christian Education, for a story and activities together. On Sundays with communion, children are invited to remain with their families to partake in the sacrament together. God's Kids Children age 3-5 (and still preschool age): On the 2nd and 4th Sunday we will be offering God's Kids for children ages 3-5. Children will be invited to stay in worship with their parents until the Children's Time, when they'll exit with their teacher for story, snack, and activity. Please contact Ben Little if you're interested in volunteering for this important ministry! Intersection Youth Group Sunday Evenings at 5:00 pm (September 15th to May 18th) Any Youth from 6th grade through 12th grade is welcome to join us for our Kickoff on Sunday evening, September 15th. We will see you at 5 pm till 7 pm for an evening of dinner, games, and Bible Study. If you are older than that and would like a chance to volunteer with our Youth or would like to provide dinner for our group, please talk with Ben!! Children/Youth Choir Sundays | Immediately following worship | Choir Room The children's choir welcomes children in grades kindergarten and up. Kindergarteners do need to be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult in order to attend. Please contact Debbie Broker, Director of Music, if your child is interested in participating! |
If you are an adult working with the children of Cross Roads, please visit Pennsylvania CWIS, PATCH, and IdentoGO to complete required background checks. Click the button above for additional instructions.