Upcoming classes
(This Faith Works Class Has Been POSTPONED) Look for more information coming soon -
Ellis Michaels, is interested in preserving the memory of soldiers who fought in the Civil War. He locates graves sites of local veterans of that war who were killed or injured while serving and researches their lives and interest. He has found several veterans, survivors of that war, who are buried in Cross Roads cemetery and will be telling us about their lives during his talk. Ellis works with the cemetery to clean, reset, and where necessary repair the grave markers of the Civil War veterans. He volunteers his time and labor to memorialize the sacrifice of men who served in America's bloodiest war.
SAVE THE DATE (Upcoming Faith Work Classes)
4/24 & 5/4 - Bill Markus
(If you cannot attend in person, please contact the church office for Zoom information)
Past Education series
Christianity and Climate
Click here to view Jeremy Bass's discussion of his travels in southeast Asia and what he learned about religion and its relationship to the world around us.
What do Presbyterians believe?
Click here to view Dave Anderson's video series.
Advent Education Series 2020
Click here to view videos from 2020's virtual Advent education series.
Click here to view Jeremy Bass's discussion of his travels in southeast Asia and what he learned about religion and its relationship to the world around us.
What do Presbyterians believe?
Click here to view Dave Anderson's video series.
Advent Education Series 2020
Click here to view videos from 2020's virtual Advent education series.