Current Happenings
Upcoming events
Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser - March 24-March 28
Join the Cross Roads Preschool and Kids Day Out for their Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser happing starting March 24th and running through March 28. 50% of the popcorn sales will go back to the playground. If you would like the instructions of how you can help please contact the church office. Deacon Brunch - March 30 You are cordially invited to the Annual Deacon Brunch. Please join us on Sunday, March 30 immediately following worship in Fellowship Hall for good food and fellowship. Women's Association Annual Flower Sale - March 1 - April 3 Warmer days and colorful flowers are near. The Women's Assocation Annual Flower Sale has started. Order Forms are available by calling the church office. Completed order forms can be dropped off in the collection plate, dropped off in the mailbox outside of the side entrance of the church or mailed into the church. Order forms with payment are due by April 3. Your flowers will arrive on May 16. If you have any questions, please contact the church office. Food Pantry Easter Dinner Shopping - April 6 The Cross Roads Food Pantry services over 150 families each year. During the Spring our clients can sign up to receive extra groceries to help supplement an Easter Dinner. Please consider donating one or more of the items from our list to help those in need. Please leave items on the Food Pantry table on the side entrance by April 6. Green and Yello Vegetables Applesauce Canned Fruit Instant, Scalloped or Au Gratin Potatoes Dinner Roll or Muffin Mix Pudding Mixes Brownies or Specialty Desserts 32 or 64 oz Bottled Juice Hot Chocolate The Food Pantry is in desperate need of plastic grocery bags. If you can donate them, please also leave them on the table when you donate your food. Lenten Bible Study - March 9 - April 13
If you're interested in knowing the answers to these questions (if you don't already know them), join Pastor Lindsay, Elder Rennie Rhodes, and Seminary Intern Jakob Harmon on Sunday, March 9 for the first class of "The Bible for Dummies: Or All You Wanted to Know About the Bible but Were Afraid to Ask." The class will begin at 9:00 am in the first floor Conference Room and will continue through the Season of Lent. Easter Egg Hunt - April 12 Bring your own Basket and join us for a wonderful day of hunting eggs, games, crafts, hearing the Easter Story, and having your picture taken with the Easter Bunny (Bring your own camera). Children through 5th grade are invited from 10 am - 12 noon. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. PLEASE SEE THE FLYER WITH REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS ON THE CHILDREN'S AND FAMILIES TAB OF THIS WEB PAGE. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN AND WILL CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9. HOLY WEEK - April 13 - April 20 Palm Sunday - April 13 Worship 10:00 am in our Sanctuary - Join us for Worship and a Palm Parade with the children. Following Worship please join us for our Annual Palm Sunday Brunch at 11:00 am in Fellowship Hall. Our brunch will include Quiche, French toast casserole, fruit, juice and coffee. There is no set fee for the meal, but a free will offering to offset the cost is appreciated. Maundy Thursday - April 17 Join us at 6:00 pm for a light soup supper and worship around the table with communion in Fellowship Hall. All of our church family is welcome for this special service. Good Friday - April 18 Join us at 7:00 pm for our Good Friday Tenebrae Worship Service. We will have a Tenebrae service, with the dimming of the light and the reading of scriptures and prayers surrounding Jesus's death on the cross. Communion will be served at this service. Easter Sunday - April 20 Join us to witness to resurrection of Jesus Christ at "Sunrise" at 7:30 am and regular worship at 10:00 am. Communion will be served at both services. Cross Roads Preschool Yard Sale Extravaganza- May 3 Join us Saturday, May 3 from 8 am -3pm Rain or Shine! Location: Cross Roads Preschool. Refresh your space by donating gently used items: toys and games, books, dishes, housewares, and decor, baby and kid's items, and jewelry. (No adult clothing, stuffed animals, car seats, car parts, or tires, paint, oils or large electronics will be accepted.) Donation drop off dates: Sunday, March 23 - Friday, April 11 Want to sell your own items? Rent a 2- parking space spot for just $30 and keep your profits! Set up by 8 am and stay until 3 pm. How to donate or participate: Call Nicole at 412-372-2226 for donation drop-offs & general info. Call Kelley at 412-953-8076 for questions or to rent a selling space. visit for more details. All proceeds will benefit upgrades to the Preschool playground. Light concessions will be available for purchase also. Mother Daughter Banquet - May 9 The Mother-Daughter Banquet is sponsored by the Women's Association, the 97th annual Mother-Daughter Banquet is on Friday, May 9 at 6:00 pm. Jean Kanouff will narrate a 60's and 70's fashion show with models from our own congregation. We will need volunteers or family members who would love to sport groovy clothes from that era. Outfits will be decided on, fitted, and embellished with fashion accessories a week prior to the banquet. Please consider helping out as a model or urging someone in your inner circle to model. It will be fun! All our welcome to attend for a delicious meal, great entertainment, and superior fellowship. Join us as we celebrate Mothers and Others. More details for tickets and prices will be coming soon! Check back. NOAH - November 7 The Mission and Outreach Team would like to gauge interest in attending a one-day bus trip to Sight and Sounds Theatres in Lancaster PA in the fall to see the 30th anniversary showing of Noah. Pricing: $215 per adult, $179 per child - Price is pending that we can get 40 or more people to attend. Your price includes bus transportation (will be picked up at Cross Roads) breakfast and snack on the bus, dinner and show tickets. You will be responsible for your own lunch. Please sign up with your interest on the Mission and Outreach bulletin board in the office hallway or call the church office. |
ongoing groups & Gatherings
Youth Group (September to May)
Sundays | 5-7 p.m.
Youth in 6th-12th grade are invited to join us weekly for Youth Group! Dinner is provided.
Kingdom Kids (September to May)
Sundays | During worship
Children in kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome to join Director of Christian Education, Ben Little, during worship for spiritual growth and fellowship.
Faith Works (September to May)
Sundays | 11:30 a.m. | Parlor
Please check here for news on upcoming Faith Works Classes.
The Sanctuary Choir, Handbell Choir, and Children/Youth Choir are rehearsing! Please contact Debbie Broker, Director of Music, if you are interested in contributing to any of the choirs.
Bell Choir
Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Choir Loft
Sanctuary Choir
Thursdays, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., Choir Room
Children/Youth Choir
Sundays immediately following worship in the Choir Room
The children's choir welcomes children in grades kindergarten and up. Kindergarteners do need to be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult in order to attend.
Prayer Warriors
Every Thursday | 6 p.m. | Online
The Prayer Warriors are meeting via Zoom at 6 p.m. beginning October 7. Please email Patty Kyslinger to participate or to share a joy or concern for the group to pray for. Check the Epistle and bulletin for updates.
Sundays | 5-7 p.m.
Youth in 6th-12th grade are invited to join us weekly for Youth Group! Dinner is provided.
Kingdom Kids (September to May)
Sundays | During worship
Children in kindergarten through 6th grade are welcome to join Director of Christian Education, Ben Little, during worship for spiritual growth and fellowship.
Faith Works (September to May)
Sundays | 11:30 a.m. | Parlor
Please check here for news on upcoming Faith Works Classes.
The Sanctuary Choir, Handbell Choir, and Children/Youth Choir are rehearsing! Please contact Debbie Broker, Director of Music, if you are interested in contributing to any of the choirs.
Bell Choir
Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Choir Loft
Sanctuary Choir
Thursdays, 7:30 - 8:30 p.m., Choir Room
Children/Youth Choir
Sundays immediately following worship in the Choir Room
The children's choir welcomes children in grades kindergarten and up. Kindergarteners do need to be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult in order to attend.
Prayer Warriors
Every Thursday | 6 p.m. | Online
The Prayer Warriors are meeting via Zoom at 6 p.m. beginning October 7. Please email Patty Kyslinger to participate or to share a joy or concern for the group to pray for. Check the Epistle and bulletin for updates.
Communications deadlines
Epistle and Bulletin Deadline: Wednesdays at noon
Cross Roads Connections Deadline: The Second Wednesday of each month for the next issue.
Please send information to Nicole Reinhart at the church office at Questions? Call the church office at 412-372-2226.
Cross Roads Connections Deadline: The Second Wednesday of each month for the next issue.
Please send information to Nicole Reinhart at the church office at Questions? Call the church office at 412-372-2226.